About Me

Hello everyone, welcome to my website!

My name is Donya, I am a Ph.D. candidate at TTIC (it's a wonderful place to focus on Machine Learning theory at UChicago) where I am fortunate to be advised by Avrim Blum. My research primarily focuses on the theory of robustness, reliability, and explainability of predictions under adversarial attacks. When I'm not thinking about very concrete research questions, I like philosophizing about the [not so well defined] higher-level related concepts, such as [the meaning and means of] trust and safety.

I am naturally curious about the world around me and very enthusiastic about math! and as one once said, "Beautiful math tends to be useful, and useful things tend to have beautiful math." It didn't take me so long to realize understanding theoretical aspects of problems, particularly in Machine Learning, is a genuine delight to me.

"The beauty of mathematics only shows itself to more patient followers," and I would be lying if I said I was patient enough during my undergrad. Back then, I worked as an intern in different places, from the Sharif University of Technology, Iran, to the Max Planck Institute, Germany, and the University of Texas at Austin, USA. I had the opportunity to get to know fantastic people from all around the world, work with them, and learn from them, resulting in a paper accepted in ICML 2021 Self Supervised Learning Workshop, with an extension accepted in NetSci-X 2022. I was fortunate to work on my Bachelor's Thesis under the supervision of Prof. Keshav Pingali from the University of Texas at Austin. I was the first Bachelor's student in my university who has officially done her thesis internationally.


Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, IL, USA
Sept. 2024—Sept. 2028 (Expected)
Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, IL, USA
Sept. 2022— June 2024
M.Sc. in Computer Science
GPA: 4.0/4.0
University of Tehran, Iran
Sept. 2017—July 2022
B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering—Communications
GPA: Final year: 19.58/20.00, Highest Distinctions.
Minor in Computer Engineering
Farzanegan High School, Iran
Sept. 2013—Jun. 2017
Diploma in Mathematics and Physics' Discipline
GPA: 20.00/20.00


Teaching Experience

Graduate Teaching Assistant, TTIC/The University of Chicago
  • Winter 2024
    Introduction to Machine Learning, Prof. Nati Srebro
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, University of Tehran
  • Spring 2021
    Communication Systems, Prof. Sadaf Salehkalaibar
  • Fall 2020
    Probability and Statistics, Prof. Amir Masoud Rabiei
    Probability and Statistics, Prof. Behnam Bahrak
  • Spring 2020
    Electromagnetics, Prof. Mohammad Neshat
    Electronics I, Prof. Mohammadreza Kolahdouz
  • Fall 2019
    Digital Logic Design, Prof. Zainalabedin Navabi
    Signals and Systems, Prof. Mohammad Ali akhaee
  • Fall 2018
    Introduction to Computing Systems & Programming[Grading TA], Prof. Mahmoud Reza Hashemi


Programming Languages
  • C/C++, Python, Matlab, LaTex
  • R, HTML, CSS, Verilog/System Verilog
Engineering Softwares & Platforms:
  • Machine Learning Libraries: Scikit-learn, SciPy, NetworkX, CVX
    Familiar with: TensorFlow, Pytorch
  • PSpice, MultiSim, Modelsim, Quartus, Mathematica

Foreign languages

English, TOEFL iBT
Total: 114, Reading: 28, Listening: 30, Speaking: 30, Writing: 26
Apr. 2021
German, B2

Honors and Awards

  • Ranked in the top 0.1% among students taking part in Iran's National University Entrance Exam (Konkour) in the Mathematics & Physics Concentration.
    Nov. 2017

